OAHS Building Oregon Area Historical Society

            159 W. Lincoln,   Oregon, WI   53575   608-835-8961    

Library scene at the Historical Society
Pioneer Clothing project

Military display at OAHS
James Lindsay

J.J. LindsayJAMES LINDSAY, of Terwilliger & Lindsay, Oregon; born July 29, 1844, in Lancaster Co., Penn.; was educated in his native State, where he learned the trade of machinist; worked at that and molding until May, 1861, when he enlisted in Co. B. 32nd, Penn. V.I. His regiment was part of the 3d Army Corps commanded by Maj. Gen. W.S. Hancock, the present nominee of his party for President; Mr. L. served out his time of enlistment with the Army of the Potomac; came West in 1865, and engaged in farming in Fitchburg until 1872.  He married Miss Mary J. Terwilliger in 1867; they have a daughter, Hattie.  Mr. Lindsay is a Democrat, and a member of Oregon Lodge 151, A., F. & A. M.

Ref. 1880 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, page 1244.

Lindsay civil war certificate

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Webmaster: CTF Webservices, Oregon, WI
Updated: March 7, 2011