OAHS Building Oregon Area Historical Society

            159 W. Lincoln,   Oregon, WI   53575   608-835-8961    

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(The Oregon Observer, Vol. XXXVII., 11 July 1918, No. 46, pg. 1)

The Fourth of July celebration and auction sale for the benefit of the Red Cross was an unqualified success in every particular. Nearly $3000 were the gross receipts, and after all expenses are paid there will be a net profit of about $2660 for the Red Cross. Of this amount the Rutland, Dunn and Fitchburg branches will each receive about $400 as their share of the proceeds. The receipts exceeded all expectations and those in charge of the affair have every reason to be grateful to all who assisted in making the day a success.

The morning program was carried out to the letter as advertised. The introductory remarks by W. L. Ames, as president of the day, were short but very fitting to the occasion. Geo. A. Boissard, chairman of the Dane County Liberty Loan Committee, presented the handsome silk banner which was won by Oregon in the recent Liberty Loan Drive. The winning of this banner is all the more remarkable from the fact that no special effort was made to secure it. On behalf of Oregon the banner was accepted by J. S. Cusick in a short but appropriate address. The principal address of the day was delivered by Judge Walter C. Owen, a member of the Supreme Court. Mr. Owen is a forceful speaker and his excellent address was chuck full of patriotism and loyalty. It was pronounced one of the best ever heard here. The two selections by the Male Quartet were greatly enjoyed as was also the music by the band.

The ladies in charge of the dinner took care of the crowd at the noon hour without the least confusion and every one was provided for in a short space of time.

Immediately after dinner the auction sale took place and the list included livestock, poultry, machinery, tools, wearing apparel, eatables, fancy work, in fact articles of every description. L. A. Ross, the noted Belleville auctioneer, presided at the block and the large humber of articles he disposed of in a space of three hours was remarkable, and everything sold brought fairly good prices.

The ball game in the park between the single and married men was won by the former by a score of 10 to 3. The concluding feature of the event was the dance in the opera house, which was largely attended and much enjoyed by those present.

The committee of the local Red Cross who promoted the celebration desire here to thank their subcommittees, solicitors, those who donated articles, those who took part in the program, the Oregon band, auctioneer, L. A. Ross, and all others who assisted in any measure to make the day such a splendid success.

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Updated: October 13, 2014