Read the Meeting Minutes on Google Docs

October was a busy month! The Museum has glass slides that will be restored and featured in a future display. We had 79 visitors to the Museum (not including Trick-or-Treaters!) and 207 volunteer hours reported.

The Board discussed how to handle Memorial Donations.

The Quilt Raffle made $941! Bob Block made the motion to donate $200 of the proceeds to the Fire Station. The remaining $741 will go to the Society’s operating budget.

Board member Bob Block gave a talk to the Oregon Area Senior Center on Veteran’s Day about WWII POW Camps in Wisconsin. Watch the recording on YouTube.

The Board discussed how to handle the newsletter to members in the future. We would like to do an email newsletter to save on mailing costs.

The Museum will be closed from December 8 (after Christmas at the Museum on December 7) until Saturday, January 4 when the museum opens in the new year. No December meeting.