DANIEL L. VAN HOESEN, Sec. 17; P.O. Madison. As the name indicates, this gentleman is of good old Knickerbocker stock; his father John Van Hoesen, was a native of Kinderhook and his mother, Mary Wessels, of Montgomery Co., N.Y.; their son was born July 11, 1818, in Augusta, Oneida Co., N.Y., and resided in New York State up to 1854, when he came West, buying the old Stoner farm.This was on of the first farms claimed in the County of Dane, and was the choice of the man for whom the beautiful prairie was named; Mr. Van Hoesen has erected the farmhouse and done most of the building and fencing here.He is a Democrat, and has been Supervisor, Assessor and Chairman (see county records). He married Frances, daughter of Chester and Lucy (Root) Darling; she was born in Vernon, Oneida Co., N.Y. and has two daughters—Kittie, born in Oneida Co., and Helen, born in Fitchburg.1880 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, p. 1258-1259. |