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Welcome to our Timeline. Here we will share tidbits of news that happened 25, 50, and 75 years ago in the Oregon area that were published in the local paper, The Oregon Observer.


The Timeline is compiled by Oregon Area Historical Society volunteers.

December 2024 Timeline

75 Years Ago - December 1949

Local News


Fire Destroys Home Occupied By Three Families 

Saturday morning the Oregon fire department was called to the Town of Madison to assist in extinguishing a fire in a home in which three families lived. On arrival the home had gained such a start that nothing of the home could be saved, and the fire department gave their attention to surrounding properties. The Madison Town Company and Company No. 6 of the city of Madison were already on the ground but lack of water made their services useless.  Oregon carries its water supply with them and therefore were of service in saving adjoining properties. The families hit by the destructive blaze were Harvey Baxter a retired farmer, and his wife who owned the home. Nathan Pingel, a war veteran student at university, and his wife and 20 month old son; and Herman Treu, a war veteran employed as service foreman for the Royal Typewriter Co. and his wife and 1 1/2 -year old son. The home in which the three families lived was located just off the Oregon Road near the Madison Rendering and Tallow Co. The Pingels and Treus lived on the first floor of the two-story building. About 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Pingel discovered flames eating through the chimney wall in her living room.  Rushing her baby to safety, she notified the elderly Baxters of the blaze and telephoned the fire department.

 Tractor accident

Frank Anderson was seriously injured last Wednesday when a tractor backed into a ditch and turned over pinning him underneath. He suffered a broken leg and is in the Madison General Hospital, where his condition is said to be good. 

Christmas Trees

We have just received a delayed shipment of 150 choice Christmas trees which are offered, your choice of the lot at only $1.00 – Kellor’s Store, Lake View

Store Holiday Hours

The business places in Oregon will be open Thursday afternoon and Friday evening in addition to the usual hours but will be closed Saturday night at 6 o’clock and remain closed until Tuesday morning. 

Elliott – Lalor

Miss Mildred Elliott and Robert Lalor wedding took place in Madison at 1 o’clock on Saturday afternoon. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Francis Hollis of Youngstown, Ohio while Stan Anderson acted as best man. The bride wore a taupe street length dress, feathered taupe hat and her accessories were in brown.  She wore a corsage of bronze, yellow, and white pompons.  Mrs. Hollis wore an aqua suit dress with hat and accessories in black.  Her corsage was of pink carnations.  For the occasion the bride’s mother wore a royal blue dress and the groom’s mother was attired in a teal blue dress.  Both wore corsages of pink and white carnations. A 2 o’clock reception for 100 guests was held at the village hall which was prettily decorated with holiday flowers and foliage. 

Introducing Mr. Kozlovsky

This week our staff had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Kozlovsky. In answer to our questions, we learned that his hometown was Denmark, Wisconsin. He graduated from Denmark high school and attended Carroll College. His master’s degree was received from the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Kozlovsky, who we were surprised to learn, was brought up on a farm.  He began teaching at Oregon in 1927; he taught science, mathematics, and coached for nine years; he has been principal for 14 years. 

Random Shots

There would probably be more joint bank accounts if wives weren’t so quick on the draw.

George Washington’s physicians warned him some 150 years ago that if stagecoach drivers stepped up their speed to 15 miles an hour, “blood would rush to the passengers’ heads, and they would die.” The Father of His Country didn’t believe it.

50 Years Ago: December 1974

Oregon High School – Music and Sports

The largest musical cast ever at O.H.S. has worked hard to make the production of the “The Sound of Music” a big success. The musical takes place in Austria during the beginning stages of World War II.  Wendy Kennan (Maria) and Don Gasner (Captain Von Trapp) are the heads of the singing Von Trapp family. Well-known songs such as “Climb Every Mountain” and “My Favorite Things,” along with rented Broadway backgrounds will sweep you off your feet and into Austria and the Von Trapp’s life. 


The Oregon Panthers ended their 1974 season by defeating the Orfordville Parkview Vikings 22-6 before a huge parent’s night crowd. The win gave the Panthers sole possession of first place in the Central Suburban Conference, their third in a row. 

Banking in the News

Bryant Wackman, president of the Brooklyn State Bank, announces that Don Martinson, secretary of Martinson Implement Company has been named to the board of directors of the bank. Martinson is a graduate of Madison Business College and is active in the Naval Reserve program as a Chief Petty Officer. He is also a director of the Genesis Housing Project in Brooklyn and a former member of the village board. 

The Bank of Oregon has elected Phil Peterson, a lifelong resident of rural Oregon, as a member of their board of directors. He serves as regional director of the Associated Milk Producers Inc (AMPI) and was elected to the board of directors of the Agricultural Council of America. He served for six years as a member of the Oregon School Board and as its president for two years. He is a charter member of the Oregon-Brooklyn Jaycees and is presently president of St. John’s Lutheran Church Council. 

The Bank of Oregon celebrates its 75th anniversary with an open house at its newly completed motor bank.   The motor bank will bring the convenience of extended hours of service to bank patrons, as it will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.  In addition, the new Bank of Oregon Motor Bank facility will provide three weather-protected drive-through lanes for service that enables patrons to make all transactions without leaving the driver’s seat of their automobiles.  An inside walk-up window is also provided for customers who prefer to transact their business inside the building

The Commissioner of Savings and Loans has authorized Evergreen Savings & Loan to open a branch office in Oregon. R. L. Ethun, president of Evergreen S&L, announced that the office will be a full-service facility, including a drive-in window. It will be located on the corner of N Main St and W Netherwood St. Work is currently in progress on the new facility. The manager of the Oregon office will be B. W. Ethun.


Local People in the News

Area youngsters will have an opportunity to tell Santa Claus what they would like for Christmas and to pose for a photo with Santa.  The event will take place on December 14th from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Bank of Oregon.   A new innovation this year will feature the free jumbo photos in color – courtesy of the Oregon Chamber of Commerce. 

Longtime Oregon resident, Frank Fincher, died on November 27th at an Evansville nursing home.  He was born on October 9, 1877, in Linden, Pennsylvania.  He came to Wisconsin at the age of 19 and lived in the Oregon area for over 60 years.  In the early 1900s, in partnership with his brother, William, he ran a livery stable.  In 1911, they acquired the Ford agency and for 25 years operated a garage and auto business in Oregon.   

The Ralph Sholts family of Dane County recently received a beautiful metal plaque, identifying their homestead on Highway 14, Oregon as a Century Farm.  It was presented by Donald Wilkinson, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture.  To be eligible for the award, a family must have owned its farm continuously for a hundred years or more.

25 Years Ago: December 1999

Local News

Village to buy three flood properties 

In order to improve stormwater drainage, the Village of Oregon Board is proceeding with plans to purchase two duplexes on Prairie View/Soden Drive and a house on Florida Avenue before spring 2000.

All three properties are keys to improving storm water management. “Our intention is to buy all three properties and rezone the land into a conservancy area,” said Village Administrator Michael Gracz. The village received a $328,000 Community Development Block Grant from the state’s Small Cities Emergency Assistance Program to purchase properties damaged by the May 16-17 flood. “The village is working under the assumption that the property owners want to sell”, said Gracz.  The village will assess the properties and offer a fair price to each owner, according to Gracz. 

Lioness Club to present holiday home tour

The Oregon Lioness Club will present its annual Holiday Tour of Homes, Sunday December 5th from 12:30-4p.m.  Refreshments and raffle tickets will be available at the Village Hall during the tour. Proceeds from the event will help sponsor Lioness scholarships for high school students. Home hosts for the event will be Dan and Deb Boley 560 Scott St. Steve and Diane Kellogg 5540 Williamsburg Rd. Mark and Ruth Mortensen 29 Pleasant Oak Ct. Mary and Barry Bothum 1749 South Fish Hatchery Rd.

 Krembs declares Oregon ready for Y2K

Michael Krembs, president of the Village Board outlined the village’s “Y2K Preparedness Plan” and boldly proclaimed that the village is ready for the new millennium on January 1, 2000. “Overall, I think the plan is very thorough.  All the entities involved have done a good job of anticipating difficulties and formulating contingency plans.  No one needs to sit at home on January 1 and worry about the sky falling”, said Krembs. 

Street Talk

How does Christmas in your childhood many decades ago compare to Christmas now?

Dorothy Lehnherr -Oregon – I had three brothers and two sisters. My three brothers were older than the girls and I remember one year they got a bunch of switches in their stockings. I remember that I sang in a school program when I was 2. I sang “Hang Up the Baby’s Stocking”

Sally Schwenn – Oregon – My brother and I were the only children. My mom always made a big deal out of Christmas.  On Christmas Eve we opened gifts. 

Margaret Eichelkraut – Oregon – Family would join with us and we’d have a big meal. Out on the farm, we had walnuts, oyster soup and candy.  When I was young we had a party at the country school.  I like Christmas (at Oregon Manor).  Last year I got so many gifts. 

Dorothy Tauchen – Oregon – I remember one year, my mom worked part time. We had just had a batch of baby rabbits.  The tree was decorated and some presents were under it.  We hid the rabbits under the tree.  Of course they left their little marbles.  We got licked. 

Margaret Maier – Oregon – I just remember when we were small, my mother would take our dolls.  They’d disappear right before Christmas, and she’d make all new dresses for them. 

Ruth E. Smith – Oregon – I remember we’d read the second chapter of Luke and we had lighted candles on the tree, where we gathered around to sing carols.