MICHAEL BARRY, farmer, Sec. 28; P.O. Oregon; born in 1812 in the Parish of Ahada, County of Cork, Ireland; came in 1834 to America, locating in St. Lawrence Co., NY; began a laboring man, clearing timber by the job, finally becoming the owner of a small farm. Married Mary Barry of Cappaghwhite, County Tipperary; they came to Wisconsin in 1848, Mr. B. entering 80 acres of his present farm, built a shanty of logs and lumber, and began the work which has given him a 280-acre farm, with substantial buildings. Mr. and Mrs. Barry have ten children—Phillip, Patrick, Garret, Mary (Mrs. James Whalen), Abigail (Mrs. C. O’Brien), John, Catherine, Bridget, Teresa and Thomas F; the four youngest are at home; the eldest, born in New York, was Clerk of Dane Co. The family are Catholics, and Independent in politics.
1880 History of Dane County, Town of Fitchburg, p. 1253.