Jacob Rasmussen

JACOB RASMUSSEN was born Oct. 1, 1851 on Bjerne Mark, on Forsenge Svendborg in Denmark, baptized the next year in Brininge Church and confirmed in the same church on Mikkelsdag (St Michael’s Day) 1865. He came to America August 24, 1879 and joined the Rutland Church. Later he was active in organizing the Oregon congregation Feb. 7, 1896.

Lars Christian Mackepreng

LARS CHRISTIAN MACKEPRENG was born Feb. 24, 1849 in Nakekov on Lolland, Denmark, baptized in Nakikov Church and confirmed in the year 1863 in Rodby by Pastor Jacobsen; and on Aug. 9, 1874 was married in Taagerup. Lolland to Karen Johanne Petersen.

Peter Rasmussen Kruse

PETER RASMUSSEN KRUSE was one of the two “tilletsmann” or Trustees on the first Council. He was born May 4, 1838 on Langeland, Denmark, baptized six years later in Lindelse Church, and confirmed 1852 by Pastor Gjedde. He was active in organizing the Oregon membership in 1896.

Christine Fredericksen

CHRISTINE FREDERICKSEN was born July 16, 1854 in Utterslev, Lolland, Denmark, baptized Sept. 2, 1854, and confirmed Oct. 4, 1868 in the same town by Pastor Jespersen. After confirmation he went to Naskov and lived there until he was 37 years old and then came to America.