Oregon History Timeline for December 2019
Compiled by Jerry Neath of the Oregon Area Historical Society
100 years ago (1919)
The first basketball game at the new gym (the bicycle factory) was held Friday, 12th of December, Oregon High School vs.. Lodi High School. The game was won by the Oregon team 22 to10. After the game everyone was invited to a “Social Hop” at Olson’s Opera House under the auspices of the Oregon Orchestra.
A fire in the Sheldon Trusler home called out the fire department Monday evening. The fire was in partitions and probably caused by a defective chimney. Access to the fire was made through the walls where the large chemical engine extinguished the fire; no water of any consequence was used; consequently no damage by water was sustained. The roof and walls were damaged where holes were made in order to reach the fire.
It was reported from Stoughton that a team belonging to Jorgan Handeland became frightened down at the stockyards and dashed over into Main Street with the wagon to which they were harnessed. They came near going through one of the plate [glass] windows at the Christensen Garage, but swerved and instead collided with the $450 gasoline pump on the curb, breaking the heavy iron stand into fragments. They continued their flight and further along on Main Street ran into Andrew Aaker’s car, breaking the tire carrier at the rear end.
Lute Trusler has purchased the J. P. Connor home on North Main Street, which they are now occupying and Mr, Trusler will take possession the first of the year.
The Married Folk’s Club sponsored a dancing party at Olson’s Opera House, Leaver’s Harp Orchestra furnished the music, A basket supper was held with coffee furnished and dancing starting at 9 o’clock sharp.
Oregon was in partial darkness this past week owing to the breaking down of the electrical engines at the power plant.
Mrs. Geo. Criddle has sold her residence on South Second Street to Jens Peter Olson, who recently sold his place to Arthur Alling. The Criddle house sold for $3,850. Mrs. Crddle has purchased the Stacia Hennberry residence.
Next season’s auto license plates are to be maroon and white in color. The first carload of 60,000 1920 plates have arrived in Madison from the Waupun Prison plant.
“Rev. and Mrs. C. H Jack Linn arrived Tuesday morning to spend the month with Mrs. Linn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sofus Nelson. Rev. and Mrs. Linn are in the evangelistic work and have more calls for meetings that they can fill. On their recent trip they held meetings in Watson, Minn. and Armstrong, Iowa, where nearly a hundred people made a profession of faith of religion and a goodly number joined some church.”
The Choral Union continues to rehearse for their Christmas Concert to be held on December 12th. There are about 40 members in the organization under the direction of Miss Josephine Darein of the University School of Music in Madison
50 years ago (1969)
Reeve Jewelry holds its formal Grand Opening. The Reeves had opened their business on Oregon’s North Main Street in 1965. Earl had previously operated the jewelry departments at Hill’s and Baron’s in Madison Their Oregon Grand Opening will now be at their newly remodeled and expanded store located on South Main Street between the Squire Clothing Store and the Ben Franklin Store. They have been at this new location since July.
Pat Severson joins the staff at the Oregon Observer, replacing Billie Chavez. She will have a variety of duties including that of receptionist, teletype operator and in general helping the editor as a “Gal Friday”.
St. John’s Lutheran Church’s senior choir presented the Christmas cantata, “Night of Miracles” by John W. Petersen. Jospeh Stratman was the choir director, Pat Miller, organist and Marlene Ferguson pianist.
Santa arrives in downtown Oregon during a blizzard . . . escorted by the Oregon Fire Department. It was estimated that about 250 youngsters braved the storm to greet his arrival. During the following two Saturdays photos were taken with Santa at the House of Home Fashions furniture store, located on the corner of Jefferson and South Main Street. It was estimated that over 500 youngsters had their photos taken with Santa.
Owen Richards is honored for his 60 years of service to the Oregon Masonic Lodge.
Brooklyn Fire Dept. acquires a new truck. Four volunteer fire fighters went to Marshalltown, Iowa to bring back a new International Pumper. Making the trip were Chief Gordon Dreher, Maurice Smith, Philip Mortensen, and Alton Erickson. The cost came to about $22,000.
The 1959-1960 OHS cagers win the Annual Alumni Tournament, 65 to 31. Members of the winning team were Darrel Ace, Bruce Wittenwyler, John Titus, Dave Owens, Ken Orvold, Ken Bavery, Arlen Christenson, Russ Anderson, and David Mortensen. The 1965 losing team members were Gary Anderson, Jim Ellis, Larry Garvoille, David Williams, Larry Wegger, Dave Hallett, Jeff Faust, Jim Bossingham, Bob Laughlin, and Bob Buchner.
The management of the Oregon Bowl announced the completion of a remodeling project which will provide more room for tables in the bar /lounge area. The addition will accommodate local patrons who wish to spend time enjoying refreshments and snacks.
The winners of the Annual Oregon Rotary Christmas decorations were: James Meier (religious):
B. L. Booth (seasonal); James Wenz (most timely), and Hayler Court (honorable mention for the most decorated street). The winnings will go to Rotary Charities in the names of the winners.
25 years ago (1994)
The Lioness Club held their annual Holiday of Homes. The homes decorated for the event were those of Walter and Velma Waefler; Steve and Sara Sisbach; and Bill and Judy McKernan.
Oregon dancers participating in the Wisconsin Dance Ensemble’s production of “The Nutcracker Ballet were Shannon Burrows, Alexandra Boqucki, Melanie Cain, Alica Crook, Natalie Crook, Melissa Ganshert, Emily Gehn, Stephanie Okada, Emmy Picket, Konnie Swinehart and Caitlin Uhlmann
The Swan Creek Sewing Circle elects officers for the coming year: Isabel Blancy, president; Gen Jackson, vice-president and historian; Mary Kinnney, secretary; and Bea Larsen, treasurer.
Sarah Spiwak and Matt Pickett, members of the OHS wind ensemble, were chosen to be members of the eleventh Wisconsin All-State Band.
Laminwood-Dream Kitchens held an open house, celebrating their new showroom. The business is located at 150 Braun Road. The owners are Karen and Terry Schmidt.
Seventy-three building permits for new single family homes in the Village of Oregon, were issued January thru November, down from the last two years. There were 107 in 1992 and 119 in 1993. However the number of permits for duplexes and apartments has risen.
The Friends of the Library raised $50,000 for the first installment of $270,000 they are putting toward the building of a new library.
The Village Finance and Building Committee said the Oregon Area Senior Center can be expanded into the current library after the library moves into its new building.
The Village Board approved adding administrative duties to the clerk/treasurer’s job and creating a deputy clerk’s position.
10 years ago (2009)
Three of the four municipalities needed to ratify a new contract for the Oregon Area Fire/EMS District, approved a contract, pending final approval by the town of Rutland in January. The six unionized members of the Fire/EMS will have a new contract after working without one since January1, 2007. The contract includes a 4% salary increase for 2007 and 2008 and % percent in 2009 and a 2% increase in 2010.
Members of the Oregon Planning Commission disagree about a provision on the Village’s proposed new storm water ordinance that would require the lowest exposed part of a new building to be at least two feet above the groundwater elevation produced by a 100-year storm. It was decided that more data be gathered about the number of homes that would be affected by the ordinance and revisit the issue in 2010.
A severe winter storm leaves the Oregon area with an estimated 18 inches of new snow in less than 24 hours, shutting down schools, the library, and the senior center.
The Oregon School Board approved launching a “4K” program in September 2010.
The Village of Oregon Board noted that the village’s building permits issued in 2010 be strictly enforced. Fees could be double or triple for persons building or remodeling without first obtaining a permit.
Oregon Middle School students recognized for outstanding achievement and leadership during the month of November included Cole Hefty, Hunter Klus, Jasmine England, Omar
Sacramento, Mikayla Berge, Katelyn Boehnen, Emily Schwartztein, and Jonathan Conduah.
DeVooght House Movers moved the last of the six houses from the flooded area of Florida Avenue, which had occurred in August of 2007.
The first meeting of the Village of Oregon’s new Strategic Plan Outreach and Planning Committee laid the groundwork for the long-term vision that Village officials and committee members would like the community to realize in the next 20 to 30 years. The 17-member committee met at the Village Hall headed by Bill Rizzo, a community development educator through UIW-Extension, Dane County.
Oregon resident, Sherri Tetzlaff, a longtime volunteer board member for the Oregon Youth Center, was recognized with a “volunteer recognition reward” from her employer, Dane County Credit Union. The credit union donated $250.00 to the youth Center in her name.