- Samuel McCune, about 30, town of Fitchburg farm hand, was killed Saturday night when his horse ran away while he was driving back to the farm after a shopping trip to Madison.
- The W.T.C.U. will have a social meeting at the home of Mrs. Rasmus Peterson Tuesday afternoon. At this meeting, Mrs. Peterson will relate their experiences of their trip to Europe last summer. Everybody is invited.
- The interest of J. F. Jensen of the firm of Jensen and Schoen has been purchased by Fred Jorgensen. We are now prepared to give the best service possible on general blacksmithing and carry a full line of John Deere farm machinery.
- Bear in mind the American Legion dance at the opera house Friday night. The Capital City orchestra will furnish the music which is an assurance that there will be a good time alike for old and young.
- The Friendly Fraus Homemakers met at the home of Mrs. Rosie Winter. Officers are president, Mrs. Helen Smith, vice president Mrs. Donna Wetzel, secretary Jan Miller and treasurer Judy Maksymo. December activities included collection of gifts by members and baking cookies for the elderly residents of Dane County Home at Verona. The club also participated in the Christmas Tea at the Dane County Fairgrounds and displayed crafts of their group.
- Greetings to Steve: Our village president F.E. “Steve” Madsen underwent surgery at the Methodist Hospital Monday of this week and will be recuperating for some time. We wish Steve a speedy recovery so he can get back to his friends and his myriad of duties to the community.
- Mina Hansen observes her 106th birthday. Mrs. Hansen was born on the island of Langeland Denmark February 9 1866. In 1886 Mina came to America and settled in the Brooklyn area. Three years later she married Pete Hansen, also originally from Denmark. Mina and her sister, Marentina, moved to the Skaalen Home in 1968. Marentina passed away the same year.
- Katherine Curless, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Curless, Oregon, will be included in the 1972 edition of “Who’s Who Among students in American Universities and Colleges”. Students who are listed are less than one half of one percent of the total enrollment in US colleges and universities.
- Dean Erfurth of Oregon captured the Junior 2 & 3 titles in the heat championships at the Pro-Am Snowmobile Derby last Saturday afternoon at the Capital Speedway.
- Should village park development fees be used to help the school district provide playground equipment for the Oregon School District? That was an issue that evolved after the Village’s Parks Commission recommended using up to $10,000 in park funds to help pay for playground equipment at Netherwood Knoll and Prairie View Elementary schools
- An Oregon Police Department investigation of the M & I Bank robbery led to the identification of the suspects and revealed that one of the two men was mistakenly let out of the Dane County Jail only three days before the holdup.
- The Oregon Area Educational Foundation got off to a good start after receiving a $5,000 donation from the Bruning Foundation. The Oregon Area Educational Foundation is a nonprofit corporation whose sole purpose is to raise funds to be used for enhancing and enriching the educational opportunities for learners in the Oregon School District.
- The Town of Oregon enacted traffic code ordinances that pave the way for the town to begin contracting with the Village of Oregon for special traffic patrols on town roads. A lack of having the necessary ordinances delayed for one month the start of traffic patrols that are aimed to curb speeding and other minor violations occurring on the township’s roads.
- The Oregon School Board politely turned down a request by the Oregon PTO to commit a donation toward the purchase of elementary school playground equipment. The PTO was asked to come back later in the year -after April 1- when more was known about the state of the school budget.
- Village of Oregon officials are exploring whether to create a local stormwater utility to cover the cost of managing runoff and pollution. In December, the Village board directed staff to seek out a consultant to advise officials in the steps required to create such a utility.
- Kids at Brooklyn Elementary School last week eagerly met a challenge by their teacher and principal that resulted in building a 544 foot snow structure in just a week. “The Great Wall of Brooklyn” was built only during recess time across the soccer field (and then some) as all grades worked together to create the wall.
- OHS Junior, Shane Quam, bowls three perfect games. The first on January 14, followed by games o February 4 and February 11th. Quam bowls for the Oregon Youth Bowling club and OHS.