JESSE STEVENS, Sec. 30; P.O. Stoner’s Prairie; born in Orleans Co., N.Y., Oct. 12, 1822; he farmed it there until September, 1845, when he brought his family up the lakes to Milwaukee, and, two weeks later, settled on part of his present 177-1/2 acre farm. He is the only son of John Stevens, who began life at 16, with an ax and a sickle for an inheritance. He married Abigail Knowles, of a noted Massachusetts family, Knowlesville having received its name from them. The old couple came West in 1852, and built the house where their only son, our subject, now resides.He married Oct. 12, 1843, Miss Sarah Parsons, daughter of William and Silence (McComber) Parsons, both old residents of Conway her native place, in Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs Stevens have three living childen-Sara P. (now Mrs. Irvin Mudgett); Clara S. now Mrs. W.A. Vroman; and Cora L., now Mrs. D. T. Newton. They lost their eldest, a son, John W., in Orleans Co.Mr. Stevens has proven himself one of the progressive and substantial old settlers of his town, as his farm, thirty-five years ago a wilderness, is now under cultivation with the exception of 50 acres. Is a Greenbacker, of Whig-Republican antecedents; was Postmaster of Stoner’s Prairie from 1862 to 1872. Is a Methodist, with his wife.Ref. 1880 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, p. 1257-58. |