This Month in History
The following material was compiled by Gerald Neath for the Oregon Area Historical Society from material published in the Oregon Observer.
100 years ago (1910)
John Gilbert was granted permission to use an automobile on his rural mail route. His patrons were reminded that they should have any outgoing mail in their boxes at an earlier hour than usual.Local dentist, H. E. Hanan, advertised good work at reasonable prices. An extraction could be had for twenty-five cents!

A company of United States Artillery consisting of 170 soldiers and 200 horses camped south of Brooklyn. They were on their way from Fort Sheridan, Ill. to Sparta, Wis.

50 years ago (1960)
The 4th. of July holiday traffic through Oregon on U.S. Hwy 14/Wis. Hwy. 13 [now Cty. Hwy MM, Janesville and North Main Streets] had vehicles lined up two to three miles in each direction. Local police officers directed traffic at the downtown intersection to let pedestrians across as well as let cars waiting at the other four corners to cross or enter the line of traffic. An editorial in the newspaper expressed the need for stop lights.

Chiropractor, Norris D. Breitbach, announces that he will open permanent offices at his residence, 744 North Main Street in Oregon, starting Monday, July 10th.

Francis West’s Standard Oil tank wagon service advertises a “keep-fill service” on a 12 month budget plant for your home fuel oil needs.

Oregon’s water tower is given a new undercoating and shiny new silver outer coat of paint by the Lane Tank Company.

The Sportsman’s Tap advertises free dances every Friday night; music provided by Elmer’s Music Makers.

Residents of the Oregon School District approved the expenditure of funds up to $650,000 for the construction of a new high school addition. The vote was 248 to 38 in favor of the project. The addition is to be built north of the red brick high school, adjacent to the gymnasium and shop additions—what is today part of the Netherwood Knoll Grade School.

Life guards at the new community swimming pool are Pete Pawlisch, Marlene Anderson, and Pamela Hannay. Others that have received special training by the life guards and qualified as water safety aid instructors were Chris O’Neill, Lonnie Flint, Alice Xander, Mary Fisher, Nancy Hambergh, Mike Kellogg, Bob Ace, Gary Anderson, Dale Hendrickson, Bob Purdy, Ric. Hubbard, Art Richardson, and Andy Anderson.

25 years ago (1985)
Dr. David J. Okada announced the opening of his office for the practice of family medicine, located at the corner of Spring and Park Streets.

Cheri Awtrey is the new pastor at the Brooklyn Methodist Church. She is a recent graduate of the United Theological Seminary in the Twin Cities.

The Oregon Straw Hat Players are presenting a production of The Sound of Music. The role of Captain Georg Von Trapp is being played by Ted De Groff of Stoughton and the role of Maria by Julie Binger of Brooklyn, a 1986 OHS graduate. Cindy Bacon is directing the production.

Betty Hansen announced she was retiring after serving as an employee of Oregon Pharmacy for the past 23 years. During that time she had worked for three pharmacist-owners, Earl Lawson, Dick Roeber and John Bertelson. The two things that she noted that had changed most during that period of time was the increased competition for the marketing of out-front personal care products, and the increase of paper work for prescription drugs covered by insurance.

The OHS marching band finished a successful summer season having picked up six first place finishes out the ten in which they competed. In the others they came out with one second place and two third places finishes and placed sixth at the MBA compition in Whitewater, the highest finish ever for that event. Leslie Linstroth, Oregon’s field commander, captured four best drum major awards this season.

Computers come to summer school. Ten students in grades 3 through 9 were enrolled in a keyboarding and computer class. The first four weeks were spent learning correct keyboarding techniques and was taught by Karen Kruel. The next two weeks involved hands on experience with a computer and was taught by Jeff Hoppe. There was also an introductory computer class held at the Brooklyn Elementary School under the direction of Gerald Zibell. Students in grades two through four were exposed to basic computer techniques and programs.

A 9.8 million dollar budget was approved at the annual school district meeting. Superintendent Phil Helgeson noted that each year local citizens are paying a larger percentage of the school costs. In 1983-84 it was a 50-50 split between local and state/federal support. For 1986-87 local taxpayers will pay 56% of the school costs.

An appreciation Party was held at Oregon manor for their staff of nurses and nurse’s aides. Irmhild Micek was the nursing home administrator and Jean Engel the director of nurses. Among those recognized were Ann Wanless, Karen Falligant, Ellie Noyce, Melitta Nijak, Pam Wanless, Debbie Pankow, and Mary Clemens.

10 years ago (2000)
Dr. Norris Breitbach began his chiropractic practice in Oregon forty years ago in 1961. For the first two years his business was located at his North Main Street residence (near to what is now The Bank of Cross Plains). In 1963 he moved to his present location that was formerly occupied by White’s Café.

The Oregon Sting U-14 Soccer Team won the gold metal in the competitive “A” level at the Badger State Games. Team members included Nick Schmidt, Hector Romero, Pat Mixdorf, Bart Lechner, Ty Mavis, Matt Gehn, Erik Hanson, Wayne Mixdorf, Eric Knutson, Paul Carow, Elvind Hesselberg, Jarad Keuhl, Kyle Koberie, Andrew Krenz, Nick Frautschy, Mike Gehn, and Ben Olson. In the four tournaments that they had participated in during the past season, they had won two titles, had a 12-3 tournament record and had outscored their opponents 41-9.

Drs. Dennis and Lynda Farrar announced that they were retiring from their optometry practice after serving the community for almost 30 years.

The Oregon Straw Hat Players presented Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Carousel. The cast included Jace Nichols as Billy, Emilea Pickett as Julie, and Joel Kapusta as Jigger Craigin. Shannon Barrow was the choreographer and David Lawver the show’s director.

Oregon Community Bank, marking their 25th. Anniversary of service to the Oregon area, hosted a celebration party of live music and refreshments in back of their Main Street Office.

The Oregon Rotary Foundation presented scholarships to the following OHS students: Samantha Hoffman, Nathan Brooks, Cory Spink, Lindsay Robb and Mike Eichsteadt. Making the presentations were Sue Cown, president of the Oregon Rotary Foundation and Arlan Kay, Oregon Rotary Club President.

Sara Padley was named the year’s Youth Good Samaritan by the Badger Chapter of the American Red Cross. Eleven year old Sara had saved her brother’s life using first-aid skills she had learned as a 4th. grader at Brooklyn Elementary School through a special program for youth sponsored by the Red Cross.

The OHS marching band finished its summer season by placing second in their class in the overall scoring at the Mid-America Competing Band Director’s Association Championships held in Traverse City, Michigan. Oregon’s Drum Major, Matt Hill, was awarded first for being the best field conductor and the band placed first in the marching, maneuvering and execution categories. Oregon’s co-conductors, Mark Lindsey and Steve Spiwak, were pleased on how the season had gone.

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