Oregon History Timeline for June 2018
100 years ago (1918)
OHS Commencement week started with the senior class play,”Professor Pepp”, presented on May 31st at the Olson Opera House to a capacity audience. The director was the school principal, R. E. Balliette. The next event was a baccalaureate service held at the Presbyterian Church on the following Sunday. The Rev. Wm. J. DuBourdieu gave the sermon with the Rev. Wagg of the Methodist Church assisting with the service’ On Tuesday of that week, “class night” was held at the opera house. Sheldon Chandler, president of the senior class, opened the event with an address.
Following his address, Violet Madsen gave the class history; Cyril Grady, the class will; Eva Sholts and Ann Sweeney, class prophesy; Vera Clapp, the class poem; Thomas Grady gave the seniors’ advice to the juniors which was answered by Lillian Hanan of the junior class. Ann Sweeney, June Ellis, Violet Madsen, and Eva Sholts presented the class stunt in the form of a “character song”. Lucille Welch presented the class mementoes and Edwin Blaney presented the class memorial, a service flag for the school. The class night closed with the singing of the class song as arranged by June Ellis. The commencement exercises were held Thursday night, when the ten graduates received their diplomas from Principal R. E. Balliette. June Ellis was the class valedictorian and Vera Clapp the salutatorian. The week of events ended with the Alumni Banquet and Dance on Friday at Olson’s Opera House.
Do you know any of the 1918 Oregon High School graduates below? We need help to identify Vera Marie Clapp, June Ethel Ellis, Eva Belle Sholts, Anne Winifred Sweeny, and Marguerite Lucille Welch. Give us a call at 608-835-8961 or send us an email. We would appreciate it!
100 years ago (1918) (cont’d)
Those individuals found to be “sincere” in their belief in being a conscientious objector concerning the present conflict (i.e. World War I) will be segregated at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and furloughed to work on farms at a private’s pay. Money earned by the objectors in excess of a private’s pay and subsistence will go to the Red Cross.
More ice is required. Merchants Lyle Hawley and Leslie Booth put the following notice in the newspaper: “Owing to the shortage of ice it will be necessary to place all orders one day in advance for ice cream requiring packing.”
Rev. Wagg of Alberta, Canada will be the pastor at the Methodist Church for the coming year.
Dr. Phil Fox and his daughter of Madison have moved to Fox Hall for the summer months.
Dan Clark and T. Burke gave notice forbidding fishing in Lake Harriet. This was done in response to fishermen and trespassers having committed “mischievous pranks and depredations” to farms and property in the area.
The class confirmed at the Lutheran Church included Pearl Christensen of Brooklyn, Verdie Christensen, Arthur and Thera Jensen, Hans and Charline Anderson, and Leslie Nelson.
Charline Wackman, OHS graduate and a senior at the U.W. Madison, played a leading role in the U.W. Senior Class play, ”A Thousand Years Ago”. Charline had been a student of dramatic art during her course at the U. W. and was well known for her activities in the dramatic arts.
A series of community sings on Sunday evenings were planned to be held in the village park. Prof. Gordon of the University Wisconsin School of Music will lead them. Following the community sing a union Sabbath evening service will be held.
About 300 soldiers, members of the hospital corps, passed through Oregon on their way from Sparta to Rockford.
50 years ago (1968)
Holy Mother of Consolation Parochial School graduates it last 6th grade class. The school will close at the end of this school year.
Mrs. David Cervenka and Mrs. Jack McManus co-chaired the Oregon Women’s Salad Bar Luncheon. The theme of this year’s luncheon was “The History of Fashions”. Mrs. Robert Ott wrote and directed the dialogue for the program. Proceeds from the event were used to fund scholarships for those going into the field of nursing.The winner of this year’s scholarship was Connie Fiedler. Two other “direct” scholarships were awarded for the first time to Lois Hansen and Judith O’Neal.
Tri-County Appliance advertised, “LOOK” a $100 will buy a fully automatic Maytag washer, plus a 1-year warranty on parts and labor.
The OHS baseball team selected Nick Brashi as Captain and Greg Judd as Most Valuable player for the past season. The team ended the season with a 5 and 7 record.
A Grand Opening was held at Howard Zink’s House of Home Fashions. [present day location of Sonny’s Restaurant]. Howard estimated that 1200 to 1500 visited the store during the event. Elva Booth was the winner of a recliner chair.
The Cadette Girl Scout Troop of Oregon held a “Bridging Ceremony” for 17 sixth grade members of the Junior Girl Scout Troop No. 391. The sixth grade girls involved were Martha Anderson, Dody Burns, Janet Gregory, Jill Jenson, Terrie Lorenz, Sheryl Mattimore, Judy Meier, Lauri Outhouse, Monica Plummer, Suzann Ross, Gerri Seba, Pat Stack, Cathy Stasny, Mary Sickinger, Pat West, Mary Wethal and Lorna Zach. The adult leaders present were Mrs. Q. R. Verdier, Mrs. Neil Denton, and Mrs. J. W. Plummer.
It was announced by Howard Cufaude, operator of the Ben Franklin store in Evansville, that he will open a new Ben Franklin Store at 105 South Main Street in Oregon [the McDermott Bldg.], A Grand Opening for the store was held 27, 28, 29 of June.
The restaurant and grill recently operated by Edna Kapusta, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard White who have reopened it as White’s Soda Grill.
The Oregon-Brooklyn Jaycee raft team took 5th place in the annual Wisconsin Dells Jaycee Raft race down the Wisconsin River. Members of the team were Dick Sheil, Tom Roberts, Phil Crawford, Roger Ystad, Bill Martinson, and Brad Liddle.
Oregon resident, Nancy McGill, was honored at a reunion meeting of mothers of children who had attended the old Hawthorne School and newer Marquette school and were pupils in kindergarten classes taught by Ms McGill. Over the years Ms McGill had served as an advisor to the school’s Mother’s Club Reunion, but since her retirement arrangements were made to have their meetings in Oregon at the Waterfall Restaurant.
The construction of the new 4-lane highway between Oregon and Madison continues it way through the Town of Fitchburg. The target date for its completion is the fall of 1969.
OHS golf letter winners for 1968 were Mitch Spilde, Doug Dukerschein, Mark Kellogg, Gerry Burns, and Bud Frye.
One hundred and twenty-eight graduate from Oregon High School. Richard Straub was the Valedictorian and Marcia McAllister, the Salutatorian.
25 years ago (1993)
One hundred and sixty-two students graduated from Oregon High School. Top scholastic honors went to Christopher Mitchell, valedictorian and Scott Murray, salutation. The class motto was “Behind us are the shadows of what might have been, and ahead—-the image of what we hope to be.” The red rose was selected as the class flower; black, silver, and the class colors and the class song, “Goodby to Romance”.
The OHS FFA Chapter elected officers for the new year. The officers were Ben Davis, president; Bob Davis, vice-president; Greg Jameson, secretary; Ross Thomas, treasurer; Shad Ladell; sentinel; Heather Turk, reporter; and Kevin Kllitzman, parliamentarian.
Chris Mitchell won medalist honors at the regional golf tournament scoring a 77; a personal best. The Panther team, taking third place, advanced to the sectional competition.
OHS Senior tripe jumper, Brandon Wells, set a new school record as well as breaking his own record by jumping 43’ 10” at the sectional tournament The jump broke his own record by 10 inches. He advanced to state where is placed fourth in the triple jump.
OHS Sophomore Meghan Werth took gold in the state competition placing first in the 300-meter intermediate hurdles (Division 1)
Hardee’s opened a restaurant in Oregon at 810 North Main Street. Greg Ailes and Dolly Waidhas are be managing the business.
Wisconsin Power & Light announces that it will be moving its operations facility from Oregon to Stoughton. [Its offices In Oregon were located in the building now occupied by Ziggy’s Restaurant.]
About 150 young boys and girls. called “campers”, participated in basketball summer camps. Two special guests to the camps were Stan Van Gundy, UW assistant basketball coach, and Rob Kehoe, s shooting and ball handling expert. The camps were directed by Kevin Bavery.
Winning flouts in the Summer Fest parade were Little Folks Learning Center for originality; After School Clubs for most thematic; Orregon Area Historical Society for most beautiful; and Oregon Straw Hat Players for most humorous.
Dr. Lynda Farrar was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for her volunteer work with the D.N.R. Hunter Safety Program for the past 20 years. She provided vision testing for 471 students of the hunter safety program.
10 years ago (2008)
The Village Board accepts the Planning Commission’s recommendation to amend the village’s sign ordinance. The changes may benefit some of the businesses in the historic business district.
Tom Scharine, OHS marketing teacher, retires after almost 25 years employed at the Oregon School District.
Netherwood Knoll Elementary School have four teachers retiring at the end of the school .year.
The four were 1st Grade teachers Sandy O’Malley (18 years), Kathryn Haas (30 years), Pat Wilkening (25 years), and principal,Marilyn Murphy (33 years). Retiring from Prairie View Elementary School was second-grade teacher, Nancy Johnson, who had over 30 years of service to the School District.
Hawthorn’s Restaurant will open at the site of the former Valentine Restaurant. Today the building is the site of Gunderson’s Funeral Home.
Legend at Bergamont celebrates the opening of their three million dollar pool and athletic complex which includes five tennis courts, a basketball court, and fitness center.
Seven OHS students represented Wisconsin at an international DECA conference in Georgia. The OHS participants were Llydia Smith, Callie Schmitz, Abby Vande Zande, Samantha Butters, Austin Helmke, Hayden Peter, and Emily Whited,
OHS girls competing in the 2008 Track and Field WIAA Division 1 Championships in La Crosse, Wis. were Allie Heifner, Rachel Walsh, Megan Beers, Chelsea Williams, Morgan Engelhart, Karl Hanson, and Kelly Hanson.
An alternate high school program was approved and is scheduled to open in the fall. The name of the school will be “OASIS” (Oregon Alternative School & Integrated Studies).
Ryan Mangan, Oregon School District’s sports administrator for the past six years resigns. Michael Chapes was hired to take his place.
The Village of Oregon board votes to borrow $158,000 from the general fund to help purchase four flood phone homes; three on Florida Avenue and one on North burr Oak Avenue. The board also transferred $52,000 from the Badfish Creek Fund to purchase the properties. Grant money is expected to help cover the remaining expenses.