MAY 1922
- Mr. George Custer and Miss Vergene Buche walked to McFarland one day last week where they visited Mrs. Hattie Ottum.
- Don’t forget the Junior Prom at the opera house Friday evening, everyone invited.
- Reserved seats for the Senior Class Play, “A Corner of the Campus” will be on sale Tuesday morning at the Drug Store. Price only 35 cents. A big quality play at the old pre-war price.
- D.I. Criddle has rented his business building next to the opera house to parties from Janesville, who will run a short order and ice cream parlor.
- Misses Cornella DeJean and Ida Weber met with a painful accident last Sunday when Miss DeJean’s coupe turned over. Miss DeJean suffered a badly sprained back and Miss Weber’s left arm was broken. She is in Madison with her sister and Miss Vergene Buche is taking her place in the primary department.
MAY 1972
- Village Board News: Discussion regarding a fifth police officer was discussed. It was decided that Oregon can cover 24 hour coverage with the existing personnel. Personnel committee recommended Jack Statz be hired as recreation director for the summer. Pay to be $1000 with a 10 percent bonus upon completion.
- Stella Beason received an award presented by Postmaster Gordon Hansen for 20 years of service to the local post office, a position from which she recently retired. (picture below).
- Shorty Erfurth ( Arthur E.) died unexpectedly on April 25th. He was dining in a restaurant when he was stricken and taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. It was determined that he passed from a heart ailment for which he had been treated previously.
- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Champion recently spent a few days vacationing at their cottage in Solon Springs. There was still about six inches of snow to contend with during their sojourn up and back to the north country.
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doyle, along with Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Hagstrom, enjoyed Friday evening dining at the Mariner Inn, Westport.
- Mr. and Mrs. Louie Arndt, Sr. and Bob Paulson of Evansville were callers at the Louie Arndt Jr. home on Thursday evening April 27 to help observe the 16th birthday.
MAY 1997
- The play Little Grunt and the Big Egg was performed by 15 young artists from Brooklyn Elementary School’s second grade classes. The play was presented to families, classmates, teachers and older students in the Learning Center.
- In a move designed to interest families, the Oregon Area Historical Society invited people of all ages to attend a meeting of the society at the Oregon Area Senior Center. Highlight of the meeting was a panel of well-known local historical storytellers. All were born in the area and fulfilled important lives in the area–so they knew many accounts about what had happened in the 156 years of village history.
- Ybagoon is the name of Oregon High School’s West African Drum group numbering 11 high school students. The students spent the prior year studying and working with a musician-in-residence who had studied extensively in Africa. The program is funded by the school district and a grant from the Dane County Cultural Affairs Commission. The group studied cultures of West Africa and put together presentations to teach others through a combination of music, history, folklore, dance and culture.
- Oregon’s Farmers Market opened for its fourth season in Triangle Park. The Farmers Market featured locally grown fresh produce, cut flowers, bedding plants, bakery items and other fresh edibles. The market was open rain or shine in the Triangle Park parking lot just north of the band shelter in downtown Oregon from 3:00 to 6:30 pm.
- Over 35 eligible middle school students took advantage of an opportunity to take standardized tests usually taken by older students. Not only did they get practice in taking these tests, but the test results gave them, their parents and the school suggestions for making modifications in middle school and high school. The fact that they took these tests through the Midwest Talent Search from Northwestern University in Evanston also means they will be alerted about summer enrichment options and eligible for awards.
MAY 2012
- Railroad enthusiasts came from all over last weekend to visit the annual Depot Days in Brooklyn celebrating the community’s heritage. Speeder cars filled up almost an hour ahead of time as kids and parents alike crowded into the small machines and headed a few miles down the tracks. (picture)
- Dane County Sheriff’s Detective Dawn Johnson earned an “outstanding service commendation” at a ceremony last week. Johnson has been with the Sheriff’s office since 1984. Three years after that she was promoted to detective. In the 25 years since, she has worked on thousands of cases, many involving crimes against children. “A testament to her impact can be felt when reading well over 30 letters of appreciation in her personnel file”.
- David Thompson, an OHS junior who is autistic, spoke to classmates last Wednesday about ending the use of the “R-word” as part of a Special Olympics Wisconsin campaign. He is in the higher-functioning spectrum of autism and has done public speaking on behalf of Special Olympics Wisconsin. (picture below)
- Vito LaRocca has been preparing his Sicilian family’s recipes for customers since 1982 when he opened his first restaurant in Stoughton. Three decades and several restaurants later, he and his wife, Cathy have started LaRocca’s Restaurant and Pizzeria on Janesville Street in Oregon, serving the same pizza and pasta dishes that have won them a loyal following.
- Frank Caruso, Oregon filmmaker (and the face behind OCA media), created a film about the bonds of family “This is my Sister” . The documentary about the Fischer family and Mary’s life will air twice on “Directors Cut”, a Wisconsin Public Television show featuring independent films made in Wisconsin or created by state residents.