Oregon History Timeline for November 2017
100 yrs. ago (1917)
Oregon was one of the few communities in the county to over subscribe its allotment for the Liberty Loan Drive. The total amount of pledges of $94,500 exceeded the allotment by $4,500. Twenty-five thousand dollars were pledged on the last day of the drive. Credit for this good response was given to the efforts of the chairperson for the local committee, J. S. Cusick. The Liberty Bonds were issued by the U.S. Government in support of the allied war efforts during World War I.
W.D. Lamont was named as the local distributer of Monarch jack and wire stretchers.
Students throughout the Oregon school district took a series of tests. The results showed that some students were behind in their work. Areas needing correction were noted and ways suggested to “more evenly” grade a student’s progress. Parents were urged to see that their children stay home and off the streets evenings and put in from one to two hours of home work four nights a week.
George Thomson purchased the electrical business from the Pease Bros. He will continue to carry on the work of wiring the village. The Pease Bros. found that their telephone business required all of their attention and therefore were obliged to sell the electrical branch of it.
Willis Sholts sold his house in the village on South Main Street to Peter Mortensen for $2,500. Peter Mortensen formerly resided in the Town of Oregon.
The “Kid Band” held its first rehearsal The band was open to beginners who desired to play a band instrument. An organizational meeting was held at the High School.
Peter O. Hanson purchased the William Whalen house on Second Street for $1,500.00.
Army recruits home on leave from their training at Camp Grant were Erwin Bethel, Howard Zink, Levi Anderson, George Dreher, and Charles Johnson.
The Standard Bearers Association sponsored a basket social at the home of Arthur Chandler. An invitation was extended to all in the community. For those attending, hay racks were leaving the Post Office at 7:15 p.m. on Friday the 8th of November. It was noted that about 60 young people attended the event. (NOTE: The Historical Society would appreciate anyone having more information about the Standard Bearers organization).
75 yrs. ago (1967)
The local chapter of the PMA (Pure Milk Association) elected officers at their annual meeting. Re-elected were Phil Peterson, president and Wendall Christensen, secretary-treasurer. Duane Bollig was elected vice-president. Delegates elected for the coming year were Edwin Christensen, Wallace Behnke, and Harry Tachon, Jr. Guests attending the meeting included Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Dinney, and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Durtschi.
Ann Christensen received a plaque for her reign as the District #19 Dairy Queen.
The Boy Scouts were looking to start a “Webelos” program for 10 year olds.
The Oregon Fire Protection District held an Open House at their new fire station at 117 Spring St. The fire protection district had formed in 1963. The trustees of the district in 1967 were Garry Sheil (Village of Oregon); Lyman Anderson (Town of Oregon); Owen Hansen (Town of Dunn); Elmer Fosso (Town of Rutland); and Don McGaw (Town of Fitchburg). Officers of the department were Gerald Booth Jr. (chief); Don Xander (1st assistant chief); Norman Champion (2nd assistant chief); and Willard Hagstrom (secretary-treasurer). The department captains were Lloyd Bavery, Russell Neath, Donald Noyce, and Harold Wendt. Lieutenants of the department were Marvin Jensen, Allan Gasner, and Neil Denton.
Edna’s Soda Grill, located at 121 South Main Street, formerly J & W Superette, held a Grand Opening. The shop was operated by Mrs. Alvin (Edna) Kapusta. Grand Opening Specials included chocolate sundaes at 19 cents; a glass of soda at 5 cents, and hamburgers at 25 cents.
Joe Palmer was named the captain of the OHS varsity football squad and Nick Brashi was named the team’s most valuable player. The four OHS football lettermen that making the All Conference list of the Central Division of the Madison Suburban League were Nick Brashi, Bob Maier, Chris Hauser, and Tom Appel.
Mrs. Luella Ames, Oregon School System kindergarten teacher, was selected as the chairperson of the Kindergarten Section Meetings of 1968 WEA (Wisconsin Educational Association). During the coming year she will head up about 1,700 kindergarten teachers from throughout the state.
The General Telephone Company plans to expand their building located at 244 Spring Street. The addition is needed because of the increase in customers. The company is now servicing 1,986 telephone customers compared to 1,458 just five years ago.
WP&L (Wisconsin Power and Light) extends natural gas service to about three miles from the Village along West Netherwood Road as far as and including the sub-division of Madsen Circle.
25 yrs. ago (1992)
Erv Meister retired after 22 years as an employee of the Oregon School District. He first worked as a custodian at the Oregon Elementary School and then later spent the last 14 years at the Brooklyn Elementary School as their Head Building Supervisor.
In the 1992 presidential race the Villages of Oregon and Brooklyn and the Towns of Oregon, Dunn, and Rutland all gave a majority of their votes to the Democratic ticket of Clinton and Gore over the Republican ticket of Bush and Quayle. In the Village of Brooklyn the independent ticket of Perot and Stockdale came in second place, polling more than the Republican ticket.
The name of the new middle school was changed from the Century Oak Middle School to Oregon Middle School after the student body submitted a petition signed by 589 students protesting the proposed name. The petition was circulated by two 7th graders, Jamie Stevenson and Jamie Knickmeier. This was in response to the action of the School Board when they failed to select the name from the first three suggested by the students.
A group of OHS students formed a SEA (Students Environmentally Active Club). Their first project , under the direction of their adviser, Jack Mitchell was to clean up the creek running through Jaycee Park.
OHS Players presented a production of “My Fair Lady”. The elaborate stage sets were designed by Charles Uphoff in collaboration with Tom Mielke, the director of the production. Leading the cast were Brian Scott (Col. Pickering); Jim Uphoff (Professor Higgins); Bernie Golubie (Eliza Doolittle); Chad Grote (Alfred Doolttle); and John Stream (Freddie).
OHS music students participating in the State Music Honors Program were Jeffrey O”Malley (cello) and Sarah Halverson (violin) State Honors Orchestra; Chad Grote, singing in the State Honors Choir; and Dan Eisele (trumpet) in the State Honors Band.
Two new diamond dugouts were built at the OHS baseball diamond at a cost of about $5,000. which was shared by the Oregon Athletic Booster Club and the school district. Much of the work was done by volunteers.
Chris Mitchell was selected to the all-state soccer squad as well as being named to the Badger All- Conference first team and selected the most valuable player on the Oregon squad. Other Oregon players named to the Badger All- Conference first team were Randy Disch and Ryan McGary. The Oregon team ended their season with a 21-6 overall record and had a 7-1 Badger Conference record, finishing second place in the league.
10 yrs. ago (2007)
The Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative presented a Wisconsin Master Shepherd Award in the Commercial Division to Alice and Ray Antonwiewicz. The Antoniewicz’s operated the A-Z Farm near Oregon for more than thirty years.
Friends of the Badfish Creek was organized by Caroline Werner. The organization is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the creek.
OHS instructor , Michael Derrick. was awarded second place in the National Wild Turkey Federation’s 2007 Conservation Educator of the Year program.
The Lula G. Lemery Foundation for Arts & Expression, located at 159 South Main St., hosted a Veterans Art Show, promoting artists who were veterans and those currently serving the the active-duty military, Reserve and National Guard Forces.
Megan Beers and Morgan Engelbart. OHS cross country runners, got their first ever chance to compete in the WIAA Division 1 State Meet.
A production of “Oliver” was held the OHS Performing Arts Center. The cast included Alyssa Witt (Mrs. Sowerberry); Ely Duley (Mr. Sowerberry); Collin Johnson (Mr. Bumble); and Alli Holzknecht as Oliver.
Area resident, Ann (Richardson) Morris, was awarded the Bollinger Achievement Award for 2007 from the U.W. College of Engineering at their annual Engineers’ Day Banquet.
OHS girl’s swimming team members competing at the WIAA Division 1 state meet were Katie Landmark, Maddie Schwartz, Brittany Morrison, Caitlyn Hiveley, Kelly Baron and Rachel Walsh. The Oregon team finished 24th overall out of the 42 teams scoring at the meet.
A ground breaking ceremony was held for the clubhouse of Legend at Bergamont Golf Course. Participating in the ceremony were Jack Gaudion, Ron Kuhlman, Eric Phillppi, Risa Kuhlman, Brad Ziegler, Steve Staton (Village President) and Jerry Luebke (former village president ).
The Village Board starts the process of applying for grants to help acquire the six homes damaged during the floods in August.
The Village hires a collection agency to help collect about $60,000 of unpaid court fines and fees.