Oregon History Timeline for November 2019

Compiled by Jerry Neath of the Oregon Area Historical Society


100 years ago (1919)


No services were held at the Presbyterian Church last Sabbath. The smoke pipe of the furnace was found to be defective beyond continued use.  Word was sent out by the pastor and his aids that people might arrange to attend services elsewhere.


The local Choral Union met. Miss Darrin of the University was present to take over the leadership of the Union. Professor C. B. Gordon of the U.W. was also present to discuss the plans for a Christmas concert. Officers of the group were Mr. Cady, manager; Miss Bert, secretary/treasurer; and Donald McGill, accompanist.

Arthur Alling has purchased the Peter Olson place on Janesville Street for $10,000. The place consisted of 15 acres. Mr. Alling has also purchased 70 acres adjoining this place from what was formerly the Wolf farm.

Last Sunday evening three auto loads of people went as a body to attend the services at the Christ Presbyterian Church in Madison. The pastor Rev. Geo. E. Hunt D. D. gave his hearers much food for thought as he presented the need for the “Old Fashioned Home”.

The High School basketball team defeated the alumni team 12-5. It was a fast game from start to finish. The high school team, under the coaching of Ed Cusick, showed much improvement over last year. The game was held in Olson’s Opera House.

The OHS basketball team is helping clean up the bicycle factory. It will be the new high school gymnasium.

School Report Cards were out for the first quarter. Highest honors in 5th grade went to Emmet Fincher (96 3/7) and second honors went to Wilma Sprague (93 2/7), In the 6th grade Mabel Nygaard had the highest average (91 1/7), and Kenneth Benson the second highest average of (90 6/7). The following students had a perfect attendance report for the first quarter: Genevieve Benson, William Black, Helen Fincher, and Norbert Francis.

The school principal, Cady, organized a procession for Armistice Day. Ed Buche was marshal of the parade followed by the fife and drum units, members of the G.A.R and the WRC, the Boy Scouts, and school children. Everyone gathered in the village square where patriotic songs were sung and talks given by R. W. Saunders, Rev. Geo. Jecklin, C.W. Netherwood, and W. L. Ames.

The Rev. Geo. P. Jecklin was ordained and installed as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.

The United Brethren Church in Rutland is being papered and cleaned. A Mr. Ferdinand is hanging the paper.

M. J. Wischhoff announces that he is the agent for the sale of Carmen Phonographs. They will play all records (10-12 inch albums) without extra attachments and without extra needles (stylus rather than steel needles), and at the same time, retain a life-like tone.

The Oak Hill School formed a School Society with the following officers: Marvel Morrison, president; Earl Haynes, vice-president; and Cletus Brown, secretary. Those with perfect attendance during the month of October were Donald Reindahl, Marvel Morrison, Helen Noyce, Cletus Brown, Raymond Ellis, and Hermon Noyce.


Image result for "golden throated claxtonola""

Image result for "golden throated claxtonola""

E. G. Booth & Son advertised that they now were able to offer their customers the Golden Throated Claxtonola. This new phonograph plays all records perfectly without extra attachments.


50 years ago (1969)

Tom Mueller, president of the Oregon Educational Association, presented a charter to the Future Teachers of America (FTA). Those elected for the coming year were Nancy Stoneman, president; Mary Brown, vice-president and program chairperson;   Laurie Riese, secretary; and Janine Denton, historian. The Oregon FTA has 56 members.

An Oregon area raised horse, “Portrait of Genius”, owned by Dunn’s Greenway Stables, won the $1,000 Championship Yearling Stake at the America Royal held at Kansas City, Missouri.

OHS actors present the one act play, “The Shoemaker’s Wife” at the District Drama Contest after winning an “A” award at the Sub-District Contest. In the play the shoemaker is Paul Hanson; the shoemaker’s wife, Mary Ann Johnson; and the peasant, Jim Wolfe. With an “A” at the District, they are now on their way to the Regional competition.


The new four lane highway (U.S. Highway 14) between Oregon and Madison is open. The old road has been re-named county trunk MM. Those participating in the ribbon cutting ceremony were F. E. Madsen (Village President); Nancy Stoneman (Miss Oregon); Dr. M. J. Wischhoff (Chairperson for the ribbon cutting ceremony); Fritz Kivlin (Oregon Chamber President); Harold Clemans (State of Wis. Treasurer); William Dyke (Madison Mayor); William McKee (Fitchburg Town Chairperson); Rod Chritton (Stoughton Chamber of Commerce President); Irv Lackoore (Madison Chamber of Commerce President)’ and Russell Pire (Dane County Board Chairperson).






Five OHS football players make it to Central Suburban’s All-Conference teams. They were Russ Bentley, Jim Swinehart, Art Sandridge, Jim Outhouse, and Steve Blahnik.

Oregon telephone employees are honored at General Telephone’s Southern Division Quarter Century Banquet. Among the local 25 year members attending were Marcella Meister, Wilmay Morgan, and Ruth Smith.

Chief of Police, Joe Lockwood, is honored by the Woman’s Club at their Guest Night Dinner. He was cited for his service to the community as police chief for the past 14 years.

The Oregon Golf Tour closed their 1969 season with a banquet at Halverson’s Supper Club. This year’s awards went to Roger Lawry (1st place); Earl Frye (2nd place); and Pat Swinehart (consolation trophy)

Larry Beers, bowling for the C & P Grocery in the Odd’s & Ends League rolled a 667 with games of 204, 228, and 235. The score is the highest rolled so far in league competition this season at Oregon Bowl.

The Bank of Oregon announces extended hours. On Friday the lobby will be open though the supper hours and on state pay day the lobby will be open from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m..


25 years ago (1994)

The Town of Dunn Burying Grounds re-opens. The burying ground was established in 1852 and is the burial site of some of the earliest setters in the area. As of November 1st plots will be for sale again; the first time since 1890. The task force working to restore the cemetery included Jo Reynolds, Pam Crapp, Lottie Halverson, Loraine Hawkinson, Margaret Lalor, Dororthy Berkan, and Jackie Jeardeau.

The voters of the Oregon School District turned down a $21 million building package referendum.

OHS students presented a production of Alan Menken’s musical, “Little Shop of Horrors” It was held in the Oregon High School Cafetorium.

Oregon High School musicians, Sarah Halverson and Ben McInstosh played at the Civic Center in Madison as members of the1994 Wisconsin Honors Orchestra. David Skogen was a member of the 1994 Honors Band.

Those residents attending a special meeting of the Oregon School District passed a resolution 34 to 29 to cut one Fitchburg seat on the board and add another for the Village of Oregon.

Brad Minter takes over as head coach of the OHS Girl’s Basketball coach from retiring Bob Eveland.

Several area youth participated in Joshua Potrykus’ Eagle Scout project about the importance and use of fingerprinting. He was assisted by the Oregon Police Dept. and the VFW.

Kevin Thompson, (16 years old), bowled a 200 game for a 701 series, competing in the Saturday A.M. Youth Bowling League at the Oregon Bowl.

In their first seasonal dual meet the Oregon Seals Swim Club attained a decisive victory against the DeForest Swim Club by a margin of 318 to 125. A total of 64 Seals participated in the event. Their coach was Jean Cominetti-Craig.


10 years ago (2009)

The Oregon Swimming Pool got a facelift, which included replacing the stucco-like exterior of the pool and fixing several other problems with the roof and outer walls. Craig Loram, District Director of Operations, estimated the cost to be about $147.000. The pool had been built in 1989 on the site of the former outdoor pool.

Following are the amounts paid annually to public officials for their services: Village of Oregon, president $4,500 and trustee, $3.000; Oregon School Board: President $1,350, Officer, $1,000; other members, $900 plus $500 per chair assignment.

OHS sophomore, Megan Beers, was selected as Wisconsin’s Big Ten Sportsmanship Honoree.

Nominees are based on their sportsmanship, ethical behavior, good academic standing, and good citizenship throughout their communities.

A Leap Above Dance presented their 7th annual performance of “The Nutcracker Dream”.

Those performing were Ella Hughes, Irene Johll Eleni Yanez, Abigail Seitz, Emily Lynch, Cortney Mullenberg, Ashley Saunders, Allison Joyce, Elyse Harvancik, and Zoe Schutz.

The Oregon Police Dept. hosted a Holiday breakfast fundraiser for the purchase of a police dog. The event garnered $2,800 in donations.

The first meeting of the Village of Oregon’s new Strategic Plan Outreach and Planning Committee laid the groundwork for the long vision that officials and committee members would like the community to realize in the next 20 to 30 years. Bill Rizzo from the UW – Extension was the facilitator of the meeting.

Returning letter winners for the OHS Girls Varsity Basketball Team were Shelby Wilhelm, April Cook, Juliayn Rietzler, Bryn Anderson, Kelly Hanson, Kayla Lien, and Jenna Kieitc.