S.G. WARNER, of Case & Warner, Oregon; was born July 21, 1851 (see sketch of Jacob Warner); he attended the schools of Oregon, and a course at Evansville Seminary; taught three terms in District No. 2 (Flemings) and one in the Fox District, Montrose; this and his working his pioneer father’s farm occupied his time until September, 1879, when he bought out the interest of O.M. Case thus constituting the present firm. Mr. W. is a Republican.The firm carry a complete general stock, including dry goods, groceries, crockery, glass and woodenware, hats and caps, notions, etc., etc. These gentlemen were among the sufferers by the fire of May 29, 1880, losing half their goods, causing them to locate in the building of Charles Powers.
Ref. 1880 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, p. 1251. |