S. J. PRATT, Sec. 11, 12 and 2; P.O. Oregon, born in Erie Co., N.Y. Jan. 22, 1821; son of Stephen and Ann (Jones) Pratt. Stephen Pratt, born Feb. 13, 1790, in now the oldest person in Oregon, with one exception. The family settled in Ohio in 1837; S.J. Pratt came to Oregon in 1844, and bought his present farm of 200 acres; bought of the Government; burr oak openings; he has, by own labor, made it equal to any prairie farm; two year’s work among his pioneer neighbors earned a team, some implements, etc.; he then built a log house, and in 1848, married Artimissa Wolf, who died in February, 1853, leaving two children-Isadore L. and Charles Wallace.He married again Catherine L. Whipple, who died in November 1874, leaving seven children-Ned, Addie, Cora, Edith, Clifford, Nellie and Ralph, who met an accidental death in 1876. The present Mrs. Pratt was Julia Olds; she married William Slater, a Wisconsin calvaryman, who died in the prison pen at Andersonville leaving two children-Seymour, and Ella, who died in January 1874. The mother of Mr. P. died in 1847.None of the pioneer settlers of Oregon have borne greater sorrows than he, yet sustained by a manful spirit of enterprise, he has made a good record.
Ref. 1880 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, p. 1247-48. |