Oregon History Timeline for September 2016
1916 (100 yrs. ago)
There was a light turnout for the fall primary election. There were 113 voting on the Republican ticket, 39 on the Democratic one, and 2 on the Prohibition Party ticket. A referendum to appropriate $500.00 to make further improvements to West Street (Jefferson St.) was defeated 88 to 56.
The Oregon Drug Co. helped families with the cost of school textbooks. The store would issue receipts to customers for used textbooks. Later, if they were sold, the proceeds will be forwarded to the customer.
The flashlight had become a popular product. An ad by local merchant, Hughes & Wischhoff states: “Have you secured your flashlight for your hunting trip as yet? We now have a fine selection of Eveready Lights ranging from 75 cents to $1.00. Why waste time lighting matches to find what you are looking for? The object never gets away if you use an Eveready and besides there is danger of starting a fire.”
The kindergarten class of the M. E. Church presented the play “Sleeping Beauty”. Taking roles in the play were Alvin Genske ( king), Lois Gallagher ( queen), Argo Gallagher ( prince), Alta Dreher (princess), Mabel Tilley (cook), Clyde Powers (kitchen boy), and Eva Bethel (the bad fairy) and ten girls taking the parts of the good fairies. The first half of the program also included a story by Luella Litch and “Songs of Child Life”. In the second half of the program 20 tableaus representing scenes from the life of Christ were presented.
Residents intending to install electric lights were reminded that they could save money by having their homes wired now by the electric company for the actual cost of labor and material. Work orders for wiring homes could be left at the Oregon Observer office, Bank of Oregon or with W. R. Anderson.
A new school house in the Tipple District was being built. D. Miller and his work force were doing the carpenter work and W. J. Bossingham the cement work. It will be a square structure, 34×34 feet with a basement.
The Opechee Camp Fire Girls, meeting at the home of Mrs. Chris Christensen, elected the following officers for the coming year: Alice Main, president; Elma Lindhartsen, vice-president; Dorothy White, secretary; and Lillie Knudson, treasurer.
1966 (50 yrs. ago)
The Oregon Fire Protection District revealed plans to build a new station in the area next to the Village Hall and the present fire equipment garages located on the site of the former Jens Anderson home. The Village had acquired property about three years ago. (NOTE: This new building was part of the building prior to the present structure).
Dr. John Plummer was appointed to the Village Board to fill the term of Erwin Olson who had accepted a position with the police department. The permanent employees at the police were Police Chief, Joe Lockwood, Leo White and Erwin Olson. Jay Bossingham and Don Bunnell served as substitutes whenever needed. Later in the month Bill Newton was hired as a full-time police officer with Erwin Olson reverting to a part-time position.
The Women’s Club welcomed twenty-one new members at a “Get Acquainted Tea” held at the home of Mrs. Earl Gransee. Mrs. William Kenney, president of the club, outlined the organizations plans for the coming year and annunced that at the September meeting Betty Cass would be speaking on ’Woman’s Pots and Pans in a Man’s World”.
Every Sunday the Waterfall Restaurant was featuring “All You Can Eat” chicken and ham family style dinners, including a salad bar, for $2.25.
Paul Kohlman announced his plans to build a new supermarket east of the Oregon Masonic Temple (the building now housing the Oregon Area Senior Center). The new store will be called Paul’s Supermarket. He plans to move the operations of the old store known as The Corner Store Super Market, to the new facility. This older store, located near the area of the present day Madsen Park, was once the site of The Portland Hotel.
Local builders and dealers attended the WP&L promotional meeting “I Hate Ironing”. Attending were Norman Champion (Oregon Heating and Air Conditioning); Walter Waefler, (builder); Russ Bavery (real estate); John B. McManus (electrical contractor); and Bob Jenkins, (builder). The campaign stressed that the new permanent press materials and the new clothes dryers available eliminated the necessity of ironing.
Oliver Culles advertised the first portable combination dry heat and steam heat saunas build by Shepell.
1991 (25 yrs. ago)
Mike Faust of Oregon is recognized for completing his internship at Rep. William Lorge’s state capitol office in Madison.
OHS students who were members of the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra for the 1991-1992 season were Kim Erickson, Connie O’Brien, Juli Wood, Jeffrey O’Malley, Llndsay Nutt, Scott Herritz, Sarah Halverson, Sarah Hoekman, Heather Brooks. and Liz DeLamater.
During the summer of 1991 Boy Scout Troop #168 sent two groups of scouts to the Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Program in Cimarron, New Mexico, The ranch site covers 137,493 acres. Two groups of scouts attended the program. The group attending in July included Heath McAllister, Todd Carter, Chris Connery, Brian Connery, Chad Coulthard, Randy Molepske, Rob Vernon, Reid Zibell, Scoutmaster Ron Vernon and Assistant Scoutmasters John Carter, and Sterling Long-Cobo. Their stay included a trek covering 85 miles. The second group attending in August included Ryan Bertelson, Dan Butz, Jr., Mark Chilson, Henry Potrykus, and Assisant Scoutmasters John Bertelson and Dan Butz. This group took a 57 mile, 10 day trek though the ranch. Both groups participated in programs covering wilderness survival skills.
The OHS soccer team started their season with a new coach, Reuben Maanes, and a 2-1 victory over Madison LaFollette, Dan Sema scored the winning goal for Oregon with only three minutes to play.
D.A.R.E. Program (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education) was started in the Oregon Middle School by Oregon Police Officer, Gerard Pehler, with the assistance of Penny Root, Bob Scott, Joyce Booth, and Middle School Principal, Ed Guziewskii.
Vandals damaged the recently expanded Graves Cemetery in the Town of Rutland. Some of the young maple trees which had been planted there about three years ago by the Triangle Troopers 4-H Club were damaged as were some of the newly planted evergreens. Also damaged was the newly built split rail fence. Some headstones were overturned and broken as well. The estimated cost of damages was $1,000.00.
The Optimist Club installed new officers: Dennis Farrar, president; Ed Owen, vice-president; Dan Behrend, secretary-treasurer; Dr. Norris Breitbach and Diane Spilde, directors.
Rev. Seung-Eun (Grace) Lee becomes pastor of the Brooklyn Methodist Church.
2006 (10 yrs. ago)
The Oregon School District opens with nearly 3,600 students and 570 staff members in their six locations. Brian Busler is the Superintendent of Schools, replacing Linda Barrows who has retired and Chris Ligocki is OHS Principal, replacing Bob Scott who has accepted a position elsewhere.
OHS Senior, Dan Clark, finishing second in the 5K run, helped the Boy’s Cross Country Team finish third out of the 24 participating teams at the Verona Invitational. Others contributing to their success were Mike Hill, Adrian Swanson, Eric Rogers and Jay Belanus
The Village of Oregon was awarded a federal grant up to $545,000. It will be used for the Downtown Historic Streetscape Project. Joan Gefke, vice-chairperson of the Historic Preservation Commission, was commended for her persistence in applying for the grant over the past three years.
James Earl Tate’s Million Dollar Band was the last in the series “Blues at the Bergamont” held at the Bergamont Golf Clubhouse.
Former Green Bay Packer greats Jerry Kramer and Fuzzy Thurston appeared for a fund raising event in support of “Buckets for Hunger”. The event was held at the Valentine Restaurant (now Gunderson Funeral Home).
The Village Board unanimously approved the request for the purchase and renovation of the historic Red Brick School by Gary Gorman.
Frank Caruso and Frank Sommers finished filming their mock documentary, “Going Great White”. About 90% of it was filmed at locations in Oregon, using many local residents.
An alumni reunion of the Catholic grade school classes was held as part of the HMC Parish’s 150th Anniversary celebrations. The church began in 1856 as St. Mary’s Church (near the present day driveway of the Oakhill Correction Institution). The church was relocated in 1886 and renamed in 1925. Following a fire in 1960, the present building was dedicated in 1961. The grade school opened in 1954, staffed by three Dominican nuns and closed in June of 1968. About 350 students had attended the school during this time. A special Alumni Mass was planned during which the distinguished alumnus, General Kerry Denson spoke.
The 2006 Homecoming theme was “Blast from the Past”. Homecoming King was Tyler Flanagan and the Queen was Erin McAllister. Others on the homecoming court were Allison Heifner, Ann Heifner, Megan Beers, Joann Ace, Laci Cloud, Elizabeth Deihs, Aaron Kornetzke, Joseph LaVoy, Amanda Martinelli, Sonja Saxe, David Beers, Ryan Haas-Denton, Ian Allen, Shane Baker, Peter Curtis and Stuart Gullick. Oregon lost the homecoming football game to Verona, 35-7.