Oregon History Timeline for September 2018

100 years ago (1918)

The Chicago & Northwestern Railway (the one that ran through Oregon) announced that they were launching 35 mammoth passenger locomotives, weighing nearly twice as much as any now in service. Their top speed will be 85 miles per hour and will have a pulling power of 50 per cent more than the present locomotives. They will be designated as class “H”.

The OHS classes held their organizational meetings. The Freshmen elected Clarice Quale, president; Reginald Terwilliger, vice-president; Doris Litch, secretary; and Florence Herring treasurer. Their social committee consisted of Bernice Knutson, Ruth Moorhous, and Leo Purcell. The Sophomore class elected Elizabeth Kern, president; Helen Hanson, vice-president; Evelyn Herring, secretary; and Gordon Booth, treasurer. Their social committee consisted of Martha Netherwood, Edgar Hayes, and Clarice Sweeney. The Junior class selected Edward Showers, president; Russell Haynes, vice president; Hulda Kleppe, secretary; and Ellen Peterson, treasurer.   The Senior class had earlier selected Marian Criddle, president, Clyde Robinson vice-president; and Helen Seifert, secretary-treasurer.

The Junior Class social committee, with help of others, were in charge of planning the Freshmen Initiation Party. Norris Nelson, Harold Alling, Helen Scanlon, and Vivian Starry arranged for stunts to be performed by each of the Freshmen.

John Mael will again be the school’s music director. A school band and a school orchestra will be organized. Last year there were 72 students in the instrumental music program and more are expected in the coming year. If there is enough interest, a rural band and orchestra will also be organized. For those participating in that program the School Board will provide music lessons for 25 cents and make available the use of the school building for practices on Saturdays.

Damage from lightening strikes was reported. “Last Wednesday afternoon during the electrical storm the lightning struck the summer kitchen and veranda of the Frank Peterson residence doing considerable damage. The lightning seemed to divide and follow the fence and killed a pet lamb which was near the fence.   At the John Anderson home the lightning followed a clothes line to the buildings where it did some damage.”



Notice was given that the last service of the year will be held at the Tabernacle in Hallelujah Park, the following Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Jack Linn will preach and Mrs. Linn will sing. Miss Imogene Quinn and the Happy Harmony Girls will also be present. The service is open to the public.

Miss Charlene Wackman accepted a position at the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison while she takes up her studies at the University to complete her master’s degree [in dramatic arts]. Charlene was the daughter of a well known Oregon businessman.

The Portland Hotel [located in downtown Oregon, Wis. near the present day Madsen Park] has a new landlord, George Montgomery. He has leased it for a term of three years from Chas. Henrich. The former owner, Chas. Henrich, plans to haul milk to the Stoughton Creamery.

Mr. and Mrs. August Sarbacker occupies the house vacated by Mr and Mrs. E. B. Ellis who have moved to their new bungalow on South First St. [Elm Street].



Linn Camp
Carpenters are at work on a new home in the Hallelujah Park [a former Christian campgrounds across from Papa Murphy’s Pizza] The new home will be for Rev. and Mrs. Jack Linn.


Albert Sholts had the misfortune to have his leg broken while hauling tobacco. When braking the wagon the horses became started and started kicking, breaking his leg.

C.W. Netherwood returned from a month’s trip to the State of Oregon where he visited his daughter, Mrs. E. C. Blanchard at Hood River and later attended the national encampment of the G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Republic] at Portland.


50 years ago (1968)

The Oregon Consolidated School District started the school year with over 2400 students; the largest enrollment in the school’s history.   There will be a teaching staff of over 110.   Phillip Helgesen will be taking over the position of District Superintendent, the first change in 41 years.

The 8th Annual Southern Wisconsin Timed Events Associations’ Fall Round-up Horse Show was held on the Oregon Festival Grounds [i.e, the old OHS football field]. It was co-sponsored by the Oregon Chamber of Commerce. There were between 250 and 300 entries from six different states.

Tom Olson is named the new OHS Track and Cross Country coach.

Lee S. Bailey was hired as the Oregon School District’s Business Manager.

The Oregon-Brooklyn Jaycees make the last payment on the OHS scoreboard. Those present at the presentation were football coach and a Jaycee member, Calvin Callaway; Philip Helgesen, school superintendent; and Dick Sheil, president of the Jaycees. The last payment was made to a representative of Badger Sporting Goods. The total cost of the scoreboard was about $1,600.00.

The Village of Oregon received additional federal grant funds for their sewer plant expansion. With the additional amount of $14,300.00; the total federal funds will cover nearly 30% of the total cost.

The Village Board approves development of a new street. The name, Richards Road, suggested by developer Ivan Gregory , was named for Owen Richards a former land owner in the area and a prominent businessman.

The Oregon-Brooklyn Jaycees’ wives formed a Jaycette Auxiliary. Mrs. Don (Carol) Martinson was appointed temporary chairperson and Louise Rhead, secretary.   Attending the organizational meeting were Jan Cole, Nona Brookbank, Carol Martinson, Kathleen Callaway, Louise Rhead, Barb Fritz, Gloria Crary, Nancy Dorman, and Corrine Martinson.

The residents of Sterling Drive and Kierstead Lane held a large neighborhood outdoor barbecue for about 150 people.   The event was held on land owned by the nearby residents, Cletus and Della Brown who will soon be developing the area.

The OHS Band, along with other area high school bands, performed during the half time of the U.W. – Madison and Washington State football game. The band was under the direction of Richard Churchill.


25 years ago (1993)

The Village of Oregon Planning Commission recommended a TIF district be established on a 32-acre parcel located on the northwest side of the village.

The OHS Girl’s Tennis Team continue their winning ways with a 6-1 win over Madison LaFollette. Singles matches were won by Brenda Gottsacker, Lisa Barroilhet, Heather James, and Beth Alexander. Winning in the doubles were the teams of Tammy Byrne and Angie Masino and Julie Epping and Nikki Kanable. They later went on to tie for fourth place at the Monroe Invitational; competing against two of the top ten teams in the state.

It was “Oregon Night’ at the Madison International Speedway. Oregon resident, Kenny Lund, claimed the first ever win in the late model feature, driving Hardee’s-Q106.

Jennifer, Nelson, a senior at Oregon High School, became the World Grand Champion Hackney Roadster Pony, Jr. Driver at the World Championships held in Louisville, Kentucky.

Hardee’s [at the present site of Burger King] held a Grand Opening. The first 100 people that came through the drive-up won a variety of prizes from area businesses.

The OHS Soccer Team overwhelmed Waunakee 7-1. Making goals for Oregon were Randy Disch with 3 goals; Dean Wanless with 2; and Ryan Raschein and Dan Serna each with one.

The School Board ratified a two year teacher pact that included a 3.8% salary/benefit increase. The increase was worked out under Gov. Thompson’s school budget plan. Under the pack, a teacher will start with a base salary of $22,950 which will be adjusted according to his/her eduction and experience.

The Village invests in a vacuum to take care of resident’s leaves. Leaves raked to the edge of the curb will be vacuumed up using the new equipment.

The Chamber of Commerce decided to hire Evonne Koeppen as its “representative” to oversee the Chamber’s records and activities.

Blanche Booth, a resident of Oregon Manor, had a birthday party celebrating her 106th birthday.

The theme for homecoming was “Those were the days”. The freshman class took top honors for having the best float in the homecoming parade. Parade Marshals were Royce Kuehl and Lynn Buyarski. Ruling over the festivities were the King, Aaron LaVoy and Queen, Connie O’Brien. However, the football team lost to Stoughton 40-14.


10 years ago (2008)

Jefferson Street was closed to traffic during the demolition and reconstruction of the viaduct. Progress has been held up somewhat because issues with aerial power lines and Verizon’s fiber optics.

The ice arena is nearing completion, Nearly 50 kids have signed up for the youth hockey leagues which are scheduled to start in the fall. The Oregon Youth Hockey Boosters continue their fund raising with the 7th .Annual Fun Night “Center Ice Extravaganza”. It was estimated the event drew more than 150 people and raised over $4,000 dollars.

The Lemery House (159 South Main Street) celebrated a year of promoting local art through the Lulu G. Lemery Foundation for Arts and Expression.

The Oregon School Board approved that a November 4th referendum ask taxpayers for an extra $400,000 a year for 10 years for the purpose of funding school maintenance.

Ellsworth Brown, director of the Wisconsin Historical Society, presented Gary Gorman with the Society’s 2008 Preservation Award for his work restoring the Red Brick School.   The building now provides the headquarters for Gorman & Co.

HMC Catholic Church hired Lynn Hendrickson of Stoughton as their new Director of Youth Ministry.

The OHS Girl’s Swimming Team, winning in every event, sweep their Badger Conference opening meet in Monroe, 131-39. Later, at the Wisconsin Invitational held at the Natatorium in Madison, the team finished 7th, competing against four of the state’s elite girls’ swimming programs. Their head coach was Wendy McNall.

The Village Board created TIF District No. 4 in the Park/Janesville Street area with an eastern boundary at Hwy. 14.

The Village Board approved spending $7,000 to install wheelchair accessible doors at he Post Office.

The OHS Homecoming theme was CineMania and the dance theme, “A Night at the Premiere”.

Heading the Homecoming Court were Bryan Deegan, King and Annie Heifner, Queen.


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