Sure Johnson
SURE JOHNSON, farmer, Sec. 3, P.O. McFarland; was born in Norway in 1838, and emigrated to Dane Co., Wis., in 1856; locating at that time in the town of Blooming Grove, he there followed farm labor and farming till 1865, except five winters, which he spent in the pineries; he located in 1865 on Sec. 3, town of Dunn, where he now has a farm of 117 acres;
Stoddard Johnson
STODDARD JOHNSON, who gave the beautiful pot of ground for the erection of the Methodist Church, was born January 28, 1807 in New York state. On January 13, 1831, he was united in marriage to Miss Patsy Waite, who was born July 5, 1806. The family moved to Oregon in 1844.
Jonas Johnson
JONAS JOHNSON, carpenter and joiner, McFarland; was born in Norway in August, 1825; he emigrated to Wisconsin in 1855, stopped six months at Milwaukee, whence he came to Stoughton, Dane Co., and thence to McFarland, where he has since lived. Mr. Johnson was the first blacksmith at McFarland, which he continued, in connection with the other business, till 1860; then began carpentering and building, which he now follows.
Andrew P. Johnson
Andrew P. Johnson, a prominent farmer of the town of Rutland, spent his youth and young manhood in Norway and Sweden.He is of Swedish birth and ancestry and his parents, John Anderson and Bertha Anderson, were both natives of Ellstaate, Sweden. This was also their home after their marriage and their family of seven children were born on a farm in Ellstaate. The parents are now deceased and the family widely scattered. Mary, the oldest daughter, lives in Norway; Andrew P. and Lewis in Rutland; Tillie, in Madison, Wis.; Sophia, in Norway and Charles in Michigan. The youngest son, Edwin, died in infancy.