WILLIAM LAFAYETTE AMES was born April 4, 1857 in Oregon, Dane County, Wisconsin, son of John Norton Ames and Mary Ann Ball Ames. He died June 15, 1951 in Oregon.Will Ames was a farmer for 50 years. He was interested in the Farmer’s National Congress, serving on the executive committee for 10 years, as treasurer for eight years, and finally president by acclamation. He had much to do with the separation of the oleomargarine and dairy interests, the promotion of rural free delivery and parcel post, promotion of better training for intensive agriculture through agricultural colleges, election of U.S. senators by direct vote, direct marketing of farm products and the fight for prohibition.
He was the co-organizer of the Farmers’ National Life Insurance Company of Chicago, and was a director and vice-president of the Dane County Agricultural Society and Fair. He was also a trustee on the village board for many years, three years president of the board, and a county supervisor.
Ref. Erfurth, Shirley A. (1991). The Ames Family 1520 to 1991, p. 61. On file at the OAHS. |