E. R. SHEPHERD, merchant, Oregon, born in the town of De Ruyter, Madison Co., N.Y. Oct. 28, 1843; educated in his native town, and bred to mercantile life; while yet a student, he enlisted July 28, 1861, in the 3d N. Y. V. C.; spent the first year in Virginia, and fought at Ball’s Bluff; was also in the famous Shenandoah Valley, and engaged at Marysville and Winchester; transported to North Carolina, the regiment spent two years in raiding over the State; Mr. Shepherd re-enlisted at Norfolk, VA; rejoined his regiment at Newbern, N.C., but was finally sent to join Gen. Butler at Petersburg; returning from the thirteen-days raid under Gen. Wilson, they were surrounded by a largely superior force, and, after the desperate fight at Reem’s Station, were driven back to the Yellow Tavern; the regiment took an active part in the cavalry battle at Mountain Hill, July 31, 1864, and in many others on the Weldon Railroad and James River, sometimes mounted and at others on foot; a narrow escape from capture was one of his adventures after the explosion of Ft. Hell, they being deserted by the 11th P. V. I.;Mr. Shepherd was Orderly Sergeant two years, and commanded his company three months; was mustered out July 25, 1865; returned to his native State and settled in Oregon, Oct. 12, 1867; clerked two year for J. W. Scoville; and spent 1870 in the State of New York; again came to Wisconsin, and, after a year’s work for Scoville, began business with Charles Bunker; since the spring of 1873, he has conducted business alone, carrying a general stock of everything except boots and shoes.
He married, in Oregon, Oct. 12, 1869, Miss Cornelia A. Page, a native of Vermont; they have four children-Jessie M, Frankie, Florence and Fred (twins). Mr. Shepherd is a Republican, was Town Treasurer in 1871, and the present year; is a member, with his wife, of the Presbyterian Church; also a member of Oregon Lodge, 151, A. F. & A. M. Ref. 1880 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, p. 1249. |