GRIFFITH JEHU is a prominent and successful farmer of the town of Rutland and is a native of Montgomeryshire, Wales. He owns a fine farm of three hundred fifty-four acres in the town of Rutland, on which he carries on a general farming business, raising tobacco, hay, grain, etc. but he gives most of his attention to his fine registered Polled Angus cattle, of which he has a herd of fifty head.His parents, Hugh and Sarah (Evans) Jehu were born in Montgomeryshire, Wales, lived there during their youth and early married life and came to America in 1847. They lived for a time in Racine and in 1866 came to Rutland, where they obtained two hundred and forty acres of farm land in section 26. There were few improvements on the farm and its value has been very greatly enhanced by the additions to it made by Mr. Jehu.
A Republican in his political sympathies, Mr. Jehu never desired office. With his family he attended the Welsh Methodist Episcopal church. Of the family of nine children but three are now living; Elizabeth, whose home is in Algona, Iowa; Griffith, the subject of this sketch, and Hugh, who is a retired farmer of Estherville, Iowa. Griffith was born in 1846, attended the common schools and the Albion Academy and lived at home, working on the farm and taking care of his parents as they grew old. He has done a great deal of the work which has made his farm an up-to-date and valuable farm property and keeps well-posted in everything which concerns his business. Mr. Jehu is, like the father, a Republican and takes an active interest in local affairs. He held the office of assessor for two years and has also been chairman of the town board for eleven years in succession. In May, 1899, he married Miss Hattie Ham, daughter of Henry and Mary (Alvis) Ham, natives of Somersetshire, England. Mrs. Jehu’s father is a butcher in Stoughton. Griffith, Jr. is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Jehu. Mr. Jehu is an active and energetic business man and owner of one of the finest farms in the district.1906 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, pp. 456-457 |