David Utter
DAVID UTTER, farmer, Sec. 11; P.O. Stoughton; born in Rock Co., Wis., in 1847; when quite young, his parents removed to the town of Rutland, Dane Co, and settled on Sec. 11, where they now live; David has a farm of 140 acres on this section. He was married, in this town, in 1873, to Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Conner, a native of Canada, and came to Wisconsin about 1860; they have one son-Jesse, and are members of the Free-Will Baptist Church.Ref. 1880 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, p. 1203.
H.S. Smith II
HENRY S. SMITH II, of Brooklyn, was born at Gorham, Ontario County, N.Y., April 17, 1847. His father, Henry S. Smith, was a native of Vermont, and came west when the country was new; he came across Lake Michigan, landing at Milwaukee, and came on to Dane county in November of 1847.
Edwin Dakin Main
EDWIN DAKIN MAIN, a resident of the village of Oregon, was born November 3, 1847, being a native of Dane county and of the town wherein he has spent all the years of his useful life. His father, Robert P. Main, was born in North Stonington, Conn., and his grandfather, Rial Main, was a native of the same state. Tracing still farther back we find that the great-grandfather of our subject, whose name was David Main, was a captain in the Revolutionary War.
Griffith Jehu
GRIFFITH JEHU is a prominent and successful farmer of the town of Rutland and is a native of Montgomeryshire, Wales. He owns a fine farm of three hundred fifty-four acres in the town of Rutland, on which he carries on a general farming business, raising tobacco, hay, grain, etc. but he gives most of his attention to his fine registered Polled Angus cattle, of which he has a herd of fifty head.
J.T. Hayes
J.T. HAYES, dealer in machinery, Oregon; born May 22, 1847, in Montpelier, Vt.; five years later, his parents settled where they still reside, in Clinton Co., N.Y.; his restless and ambitious disposition led him to leave Oberlin College, to which good old institution he has been sent, and when only a lad of 12 he learned the saddler’s trade in Redwood, N.Y.;
Francis M. Ames
FRANCIS M. AMES is a native-born son of Dane county, and during all of his long and active career he has resided within her confines. He was born in the town of Oregon, March 23, 1847, and is the son of John N. and Mary Ann (Ball) Ames, pioneer settlers of the county, who are deserving of more than a passing mention in a volume devoted to the history of worthy citizens, past and present.John N. Ames was born July 7, 1822, in Steuben, Oneida county, N.Y., and is descended from noble Revolutionary ancestry.