HERMAN O. GRAY, farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Oregon; born in town of Benson, Rutland Co. Vt., Jan 25, 1838; his father, Oliver Gray, born in Vergennes, Vt., Oct. 4, 1797, was a life-long farmer, a soldier of 1812 (his widow is now a pensioner) and married, in Benson (her native town), Miss Mary Goodrich; she was born Sept. 14, 1803; married Oct. 13, 1830, and died July 18, 1845, leaving three children-Edward G., Fidelia N. and Herman O. Feb. 4, 1846, Mr. Gray married Adelia Farnsworth, born March 16 1814, in Burlington, Vt., E. G. Gray came west in 1857, H.O. Gray settled on the Kurtz farm in Oregon, and, in 1872, bought his present farm of 92 acres; he leased this until 1877, and has since resided upon it with his stepmother. Is an outspoken Republican; was Town Treasurer from 1873 to 1878, and a Supervisor of 1879 and 1880; also belongs to the Oregon Lodge, 151, A., F. & A. M. His parents were both Presbyterians, as is Mrs. Gray.Ref. 1880 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, page 1241. |