JOHN M. SAMPSON, farmer, Sec. 26; P.O. Stoughton; he was born in Penobscot Co., Me. in 1820, and is the son of Robert and Nancy (Mains) Sampson, who were also natives of that county, and afterward died there; Mr. Sampson emigrated to Wisconsin in 1850, and after spending a year at Milwaukee at the carpenter’s trade, he came then to the town of Dunn, Dane Co., and located on Sec. 28, and in 1855, settled on this farm of 104 acres.He has been Chairman of the Town Board for four successive years, and was a member of that body for three years as Side supervisor. He was married, in 1859, to Elvira, daughter of Ezekiel and Priscilla Emons, a native of New York, who died in 1873, leaving two daughters-Sylvia P. and Alice; he was married, in 1874, to Mrs. Sylvia J. Gregory, nee Angel, a native of Vermont; she has two daughters-Ida M., now Mrs. H. Hover, and lives in the town of Dunkirk; Alice G., now a teacher in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Sampson are members of the Baptist Church.Ref. 1880 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, p. 1207. |