M.A. PETERSON, of Oregon, is a native of Denmark, son of Peter and Dorothea (Hanson) Mortenson, who were farmers in the old country and, a few years since, died in their native land.Four of their six children are living and all but two came to the United States; one daughter, Elizabeth still lives in Denmark, and one son, Hans C. died there. Beside the subject of this sketch, there are Peter H. Peterson, of Oregon; Martin Peterson, of Kansas City; and the youngest, Jorgen, who died in Kansas City. The children all received their education in Denmark.Mr. M.A. Peterson was born June 27, 1843. came to this country in 1865, when he was twenty-two years old and settled in Rutland, turning his land to whatever work presented itself. He worked out by the month for about fifteen years and then bought a farm of one hundred and fourteen acres of improved land; that property he sold abut ten years ago, and bought a hundred and sixty acres of improved land in the town of Oregon, which is run for general farming purposes.
During his residence in both townships Mr. Peterson served as supervisor on the town boards. Three years ago he retired from active labors which began when he was only fourteen years of age, and now makes his home in the village of Oregon. In politics, Mr. Peterson affiliates with the Republican party and in religious matters with the Lutherans. His wife died January 10, 1901; she was Miss Christiana Mortenson, daughter of Nels Mortenson, of Denmark. Mrs. Peterson was born in Denmark, and came to the United States when she was twenty years old; she married Mr. Peterson, November 1, 1880, in Rutland township. They have four children: Frank, born in Dunn township, who lives on the home farm; May, born in Rutland, married Mr. I.W. Drechi; Mabel and Lillie, the former born in Rutland and the latter in Oregon, are at home. The children were all educated in the schools of Rutland and Oregon.1906 History of Dane County, Wisconsin, p. 706. |